Features: The project has 5 feature below (All UI element are in world space)

  • Feature 1: Button to Create and grow flowers
    • Input: Mouse Left Click On Button
    • Process: Left click on the button and one flowers will grow 
    • Input:Mouse Left Click On Button
    • Process: Deletes current flower and one flowers will grow
    • Output: A prefab of flowers is created in a random range within user view
  • Feature 2: Day and Night Cycle
    • Input: Start Game
    • Process: Time starts at 12 AM and keep going at a normal rate like a clock
    • Process: Different Materials are considered for the skybox based on time
    • Output: Middle Left displays the current time and the time of day and the sky will change representing that
  • Feature 3: Delete Flowers
    • Input: Left click on delete flower button
    • Process: Considers all the flowers created to be destroyed
    • Output: Deletes all flowers currently created
  • Feature 4: Increase Number of Flowers
    • Input: Drag slider to right
    • Process: Increases amount of flowers (1-10) 
    • Output: Number of flowers will be rounded to the nearest whole number and stored until changed, when button is pressed to grow flowers the # of flowers will correspond
  • Feature 5: Timer Since the start 
    • Input:Start Game
    • Process:Gets Time since start
    • Output:Displays time in Minutes:Seconds until game ends